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Who We Are


In 1983, a group of professional and business women saw the need for empowerment of women especially in rural areas through income generating activities. They drew inspiration from a number of global women conferences. This led to the birth of Uganda Women’s Finance and Credit Trust (UWFCT) to support low income women to access loans and income generating skills.

From 1984-1996, UWFT was offering an integrated package of services including advocacy, business development services, awareness training and credit and savings. In 1997, UWFCT transformed and changed name into Uganda Women’s Finance Trust (UWFT) and provided financial services primarily, credit and savings.

In June 2012 UWFT rebranded by compartmentalising the financial side of the organisation to Finance Trust Bank and the skill and knowledge based side to Uganda Women’s Trust (UWT)

Who we are:

Uganda Women’s Trust is a national Non-Governmental Organisation working to achieve women’s empowerment in Uganda.

We seek to mobilise women and girls at the grassroots level for socio-economic empowerment through enhancement of their skills to raise household incomes and improve their status in society.

Our Vision is: “Socially and economically empowered women”

Our mission is “to provide skills support to Low Income Women to improve their socio economic status.”


UWT shall always expect its members and employees to be primarily motivated by a desire and commitment to uphold human rights and philanthropic spirit to serve rather than by personal or financial gain.


We are stewards of all resources entrusted to us and shall plan and manage them responsibly.


UWT shall at all times uphold full openness to its members, beneficiaries and partners with respect to its processes, operations, actions and outcomes.


UWT shall at all times focus on low income women as change agents, will recognize and value the contributions of low income women to building a viable national economy. UWT shall seek to satisfy the strategic needs of its members, beneficiaries and stakeholders in the most effective way consistent with its mission.


UWT is committed to the elimination of marginalisation of individuals and peoples, due to their gender, origin or social status.


UWT shall employ personnel who are committed, focused on results and creating value and ensuring that personnel receive competitive salaries on the market.

  1. To build the capacity of low income women in order to advance their social economic empowerment
  2. To mobilize women as an important part of the population to undertake a meaningfully active and positive role in the social economic development of Uganda 
  3. To establish effective partnership with government, development partners, NGOs, institutions and individuals; to facilitate increased access of low income women in designated areas to quality social and economic services
  4. To research and publish evidence based information relevant for socio-economic empowerment of women
  5. To enhance institutional sustainability of UWT